
painter speedy

Hi there, just had a great christmas-party with some friends in medieval outfits. It was a lot of fun :3

Now I just had to paint a speedy inspired by a friend XD


tasty tasty almond biscuits ^^

Have some self-made almond biscuits!
I baked the logo of our game "how to fix a planet". It is going to be a short point-and-click-adventure. The story is that an alien destroyed his planet  by accident and has to try to fix it.
I am doing this project together with a friend at university. Hope I can show more stuff soon.


tiny animation

A little animation of a firefly, I am doing for a game that I am making with a friend. The animation is not finished yet. You won't see all the details in the game later on buuut I still want to make a good animation :D


stuff again

I've listened to the whole Otherland-audiobook while drawing.. I don't know what to listen to now v__v
Anyway.. I just wanted to show you two crappy photos of my recent drawings.


stuuuuuuuff o.ô

Some stuff I did in the context of my drawing lessons. It is mainly done with pencil and tea. I really like it.
While working on the drawings I listened to Otherland by Tad Williams. The audio book kinda suits this stuff... aaaand it's a really great audio book. The sounddesign is awesome! <3 You have to check it out. ^^



A week ago I doodled some hippos. Laaaaaazy hippos.. lazy as I am. >.< This has to stop.
I also want to show you a giraffe, I drew some time ago because a friend wanted me to draw a giraffe.



I was talking about porcupines with a friend... as a result I was doodling around a little.


look what i found!

look what I found in my beard!

weekly drawing challenge theme was: beards!
guess there's nothing more to say :3



Just a very crappy sketch. Our weekly draw challenge has the topic "tentacles" and this is what came to my mind. Somehow I am not really good at digital painting :D



Long time since I last posted something, because I had lots of other stuff to do >.< Noooow, finally I finished something for our drawing challenge. Topic was: draw yourself as a superhero/villain/sidekick/hulkthing whatever...
I'm not quite sure what this is... I'm more in the mood for death and destruction than herostuff - so she is more of a villain.. but maybe not a real villain :D Fact is: she has really deadly hair, she doesn't like people and she can do some fire-magic-stuff.


How to make a TARDIS

Instead of doing your university stuff that you really should do you could also build a tardis! :D
First: take your boring white fridge that's in your room.
Then make sure you have some blue and black paint, something you can put on your floor so it won't get dirty, some brushes and stuff and of course some energy! ;)
It will take no longer than three hours to paint the fridge blue. And now you have a blue box.
Now you probably look like this:
It will take the paint about 24 hours to dry properly... so be patient.
In the meantime you can prepare the tardis-windows and stencil the "police public call box"-letters.

After waiting 24hours you can paint it black!
When everything's dry you use acrylic paint for the white letters and also put some black lines on your blue box and apply the sign to the front door.
And theeeen... you have a TARDIS!
All that is left to do is teaching the fridge doing the noise of the tardis... and hoping your food won't get lost in time and space.


typographic selfportrait

I had to do a "typographic selfportrait". I guess the others were much more creative with their portraits. Weeeell... did I mention that I hate typography? XD



Wooohooo! Some new sketchy stuff!
At the moment I have to do quite a lot of selfportrait-stuff for my corporate design class. So, here's a selfportrait:
Aaaaand because it was fun, here are some more unicorns. More or less voodoo.. :D



Hi there!

Here is my new entry for our drawing challenge. This time I got to pick the topic. I choose "Flugmops" (something like "flying pug") as new theme. The German word for "pug" can also have the meaning of "boob", so I was looking for some funny entries. :D

But now, may I present THE FLOPS! XD

It is named Flops because I put the German words "Flug-"(flying) and "Mops"(pug) together which makes: Flops. I like the sound of it. :3



New challenge theme: "Voodoo unicorn"!!!

... guess I screwed it up a bit...


Drawing Challenge: Steampunk

Some friends of mine started a drawing challenge in order to post more awesome pictures and - of course - because it's fun! Everybody has to draw a picture to a given theme and the first one who posts his or her picture will decide about the next theme. Actually our drawing challenge is the main reason why I started this blog.
The last theme was "steampunk". I was really happy about this topic but it was difficult to decide what to draw. I didn't want to draw a person with some steampunk-looking clothes with some gears on it, because I thought that's what most people would do. So I just went for a crow with some gears on it. :D


Wuhu! Ich hab es dann auch mal geschafft mir einen Blog zwecks Bildverbreitung im Internet zuzulegen.
Jetzt nur noch damit zurechtkommen! :D